£99 + 20% VAT

The WORK Principle - A 30-day email based course

Gone are the days where the employer held all the bargaining chips.  Prospective team members are savvy, informed, equipped, and connected.  Employers need a new model to work with hires to create a culture of win-win.

This 30-day email based course will deliver a concise but powerful daily learning into your inbox to help both team member and business owner understand the new rules of the hiring game. 

You will learn . . .

The real meaning of WORK

How to calculate your personal value and your vision for the future

Have clarity about the REWARD your are looking for, and whether your chosen organisation has the capacity to deliver this

What skills you might need to develop to realise the KIND OF LIFE you want

Develop the right mindset to succeed

And, how employers can dialogue with team members to facilitate the symbiotic WORK relationship


See you on the inside!